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AI for Healthcare Hub

AI for Healthcare Hub

Arnaud Obri | December 19, 2024


I got very interested in buiding a directory for several reasons. I was looking to get into a fullstack project that was not too complex and that would allow me to learn a lot of new things. I also got a little bit interested in SEO strategies and how to make a website more visible on search engines. I saw tweets from John Rush about directories and how to promote it. Then, I thought this was a good opportunity to combine my previous work experience with my current interests. So I build a directory of AI companies in the healthcare sector.I used Nextjs to build the website and MongoDB to store the data. I used for the first time server actions to get or send data to the database. I also tried to applied some SEO strategies to make the website more visible on search engines which is very intuitive with Nextjs. The managment of the content is made in a CMS that I made mysellf in another project


  • Server side rendering: the website is server side rendered which is a good practice for SEO.
  • Add new company: Server action with form validation to add a new company to the directory.
  • Markdown: for the blog post I used markdown to write the content.


  • NextJs: A framework for building server-side rendered React applications.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs.
  • Shadcn: A library for building custom designs.
  • Typescript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing data.
  • MDX: A markdown syntax for React components.